I think it's interesting and kind of sad that this forum, which is designated as a forum "dedicated to debate and discussion on Gay and Lesbian Laws and rights," focuses more on a gay person's right to be and exist than on our right to be equally represented before the law. Rather than reading people's opinions and lively debate on whether I have the right to marry, or to adobt or to be in the military, instead, I continually read about people arguing over my right to exist. This is ridiculous. I really don't care if you think I am immoral, unnatural, a sinner going to hell or whatever else you come up with. Your judgments define you more than they ever could me.
The fact is that gay people exist. We are real. We are human beings existing in this world just like everyone else. And in this country we afford, or are supposed to afford, equal protection under the law. As a citizen of this great nation, it is my duty to demand my rights in perfect accordance with the fight for women's rights and african american rights. I have yet to hear any compelling legal arguments that explain why my right to marriage and adoption should be denied. And please do not bother me with the old stand-by lines, homosexuality is evil, it's not natural, it's the devil's work, the bible is against it, christ is against it. Blah, blah, blah. Heard it all before.
This country was founded on religious tolerance and more importantly religious freedom. My rights should not be dictated by your religion no matter what it is. I don't beleive in your religion. I'm not a follower. I don't consider myself a Christian or follower of the bible, so don't deny me rights based on their principles. That's fine if you put your faith in them. That is your right and I would not deny you that, but it is your choice to live according to its principles and guidance. I choose not to.
It's just my belief that if you take religious dogma and christian beleifs out of the picture there is not much left to the argument against gay marriage or adoption.