Come on now... We have something good goin on here in CZ. I can't go a day or two without visiting CureZone. Everyone has strong opinions and I have my own...but this place is still the most groovy web destination that I have ever found in this interconnected world. It sure beats Tee Vee and kicking your dog. There are probably one hunderd folks out there in this soul bridge called CureZone that I know better than my next door neighbor.
A lot of the stuff going on in here is about MH. There are Over 1/4th of a million hits from people who have gone there looking for something and I bet a lot them find what they are looking for there. Some don't. 1/4 of a million anythings' is going to have its share of folks who don't find what they are looking for. I personally don't go there but once or twice a month but I usually find a gem to add to my personal growth.
In any case, I may not like MH very much but I would be glad if he were my neighbor if someone in my family was sick and I couldn't figure out on my own how to help them. In fact, everyone complaining about MH in this forum are neighbors I would also like to have around. You guys are my favorite people, outside of my biological family, in the whole world. I mean that. Maybe that is sad but I depend a lot on you guys being there for me. I hope you will not ditch CureZone because of Barefoot. You might consider every personally run forum as a house. If I don't like what my neighbor does in his house, and it is not illegal, I don't move out of the neighborhood... I just don't go to his house. Anyway, I can dislike my neighbor but still be glad he is around.... just in case...
The ads are pretty awful stuff but maybe Spirit will figure out a way to help us get rid of the most horrific ones in an alert the
Webmaster kind of deal or something? CureZone is something Spirit does on his own time and if it takes a few months, by golly, that would be okay with me. I just think we may have over-reacted to the MH and Ad thing and turned it into a family feud that needs a cooling off period. Let's quit picking at each other and give time a chance to heal some of the wounds that are being dished out in here these days.
Curezone deserves a lot of second second chances and third chances...just like family... guys feel like family to me. Family doesn't ditch family. If you have to go away to start something new somewhere else then great... that is a bird being kicked out of a nest or a rebelious teenager being shown the door... but I hope you will still come back from time to time to visit and bring some yummy new information with you. I love all of exceptions... I even miss the alien lizard guy sometimes.