i firmly believe that MH, and every othr forum owner, should be allowed to give any advice they see fit. HOWEVER!! at the same time they should be held to a standard of respect!! they should not be allowed to brutally condescend and insult posters, that simply should never happen. not in MH's forum, not in ANY forum.
if this standard were held to, then the only issue would be the admittledly off the wall advice MH gives. so fine, if you want that advice, go for it, if not stay away.
but the notion that somehow its okay for MH, or any other forum owner, to make a sport out of insulting and belittling poeple is NOT OKAY!! and i have seen it happen many times in his forum. since i no longer visit his form at all, it may be better now but i doubt it.
and the worst is that occasionally MH denigrates someones, then all the other regular descend like a pack of wolves to go in for the kill, it saddens and sickens me.
i see no reason why MH, and every other forum owner, can't say everything they want to say, when they want to, how they want to, why they want to, as long as they treat people with at least a bit of respect.
right now the issue is all clouded with MH's pathetic treatment of poeple coupled with his often ridiculous advice, it gets murky, which one are you protesting?
i persoanlly protest his abusive behaviour, but defend his right to give what i consider to often be absurb nonsensical advice, and the right of others to take that absurb nonsensical advice.
but respect? yes, it should be DEMANDED that ALL forum owners treat posters with respect. period.