My story is somewhat complicated but here goes.
In the second week of April of this year I woke up to a small outbreak of hives. I had hives once before (about 7 years ago) and they lasted for 2 years. No one was able to tell me the cause. This time, I immediately jumped on research and I feel that they may have been caused by Candida. Anyway, I started to treat myself for Candida a while ago and at first I felt like I was getting worse and then one morning I wake up and I'm covered in hives head to toe. But after 2 hours into the day they went away significantly and I've been doing pretty well since then. I wake up in the morning and maybe have a tiny hive on my arm or leg, but they go away super fast and I'm free of hives the entire day. Well, I notice now that I seem to be getting worse again and I'm wondering if I'm just experiencing more die-off or if I'm actually getting worse. The reason I think it might be die-off or a healing crisis is because of what I'm taking. Here's a list: I'm rotating, currently, on three different natural antifungals (Grapefruit seed extract, Pau de Arco, and Caprylic acid), digestive enzymes, probiotics, a colon detox plan and I'm doing the Candida diet. The detox I'm taking has you slowly increase the doseage until you reach the results you desire(2-3 bowel movements a day). The minimum was 3 capsules and because I was chicken I did the minimum for 4 days before I bumped it up to 4 capsules. When I started taking 4 is when I noticed an increase in the hives. Could this change be providing die-off symptoms? I didn't really notice too many die-off symptoms when I was only taking 3 but maybe that's because 3 wasn't as effective. The only thing that I did notice when taking the 3 was the I got a interesting rash in my underarms. It looked and acted like athelte's foot so I treated it with an antifungal with very good results. Now it seems that this rash is getting worse as well even though I am still treating it. Also, can you take too many probiotics? I read somewhere that people with Candida issues need to take 6-8 capsules a day, is this right?
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
P.S: This is kind of off topic, but what do you think about using hydrogen peroxide in a detox bath?