Thanks, Hanna for linking
Iodine 101:)
also, Fiona, don't forget to use the CZ search function for info as to your particular issues. A search on "candida" netted these results:
a search on "adrenal fatigue" netted these:
a GREAT place to research is
, they also have a search function. A search for "candida" netted these results:
a search on "adrenal fatigue":
I found this snippet there:
"Underactivity of the thyroid gland produces fatigue. In rodents
Iodine deficiency leads to abnormal pituitary-adrenal function. The adrenal gland provides energy and stamina."
and also, info on a book you might want to buy, by one of the leading
Iodine Doctors, David Brownstein, MD, "Salt: Your Way To Health"
"The final brief chapter of the book discusses how the use of unrefined
Sea Salt can help with various common ailments: e.g., Adrenal Exhaustion (a whole chapter on this one)"
More info on the book & where to buy it:
*when searching for info, use the term "hypothyroid" rather than "sluggish thyroid"*:)
Lugol's solution can be gotten from
there are other sources as well, I'll leave that to other folks to chime in on that one.
Iodoral can be purchased through
...also an excellent research site re:iodine:)