the dmso is a gel with aloe vera purchased at raintree, rub it on the place of the cancer and it draws the cesium to the cancerlike a gps.her skin is fine where the dmso goes no rash as of yet.she is doing quite well she is on alot of other vitamins and minerals also.The cesium is mixed with organic apple juice and taken along with food. ionic cesium is in your bloodstream within 10 seconds, my advice would to get the dmso gel with aloe vera and see how your feeling after a few weeks.
I would also get on
Essiac tea, that can be purchased at
its the original formula and the only one i use. feel free to ask me any other questions
all the best.
my sister goes for another mri next week, it will be 7 weeks of treatment and so far she has had no siezures and no headaches