There is just to much information out on the web about Ed and Elaine Brown that the shadow government can't stop it or the groundswelling of support coming in from around the world over their demand
that the IRS show them the law requiring all citizens to pay income taxes.
Ed and Elaine have been challenging the IRS for over 10 years to Show them this law and they haven't .
Right now Ed and Elaine have been sentanced to 5 years in prison for IRS violations .
Ed and Elaine are defending their rights and are now protecting their lives and property in
NH by attack from martials and federal swat teams.
Please watch all the video you can on the ongoing situation .
Google Ed and Elaine Brown,Youtube seach Ed and Elaine Brown, myspace Ed and Elaine Brown.
Watch Freedon to Fascism on line or order the dvd.
I put up a highway banner last Sunday at the overpass on RT 93 in Andover MA.
The IRS has one of it's headquarters 300 yards from that exit !
I also went to Ed and Elaine's last thursday and put out 100 pieces of Orgonite around his house and property !!!!
A Bald Eagle flew over head of my car as we were leaving Ed and Elaine's driveway and on my way to Plainfield a car with the license plate GDSEND passed me a half hour before I got to the Browns place !!!!
My Banner has been uploaded and linked on many websites and is spurring other people to make highway overpass banners themselves. and both had front page links to it the other day
The banners are made of paper, spraypaint and then taped to the fencing. Packing tape works great for the getting it to stay put. The only drawback to the $2.00 banners is that if it rains they will fall apart almost immediately. A few hours or a few days up and the Banners can be seen by 100"s of thousands of people !!
Thank you Don for commenting on my gifting the Brown's property.
I really do think having that much Orgone Energy around will help the situation immensely.
FREE ED BROWN HIGHWAY BANNERS BEING REMOVED BY MASSACHUSETTS STATE POLICE ! Within 3 minutes of taping up a FREE ED BROWN BANNER over RT 128 in Canton MA a Mass State Trooper pulled over and ripped the banner apart. He wasn't exactly smiling when he first saw the banner.
I wonder what sort of exchange we would have had if I had still been there taping it to the fence ?
Coincidently, earlier I put up another one 30 miles from the Canton one and just after I had finished taping that one up a local cop drove by and asked me in a kindly way what the banner of the day said and I told him it said FREE ED BROWN to which he replied who is ED Brown ? Since there were cars behind him I just suggested he google Free Ed Brown for more info. Of course trampelling on my or your Civil Rights is a huge no no and
the fact that the Massachusetts Attorney General has it's own Civil Rights Division I think I will file a complaint against the State Trooper for violating my civil rights.
Perhaps the MA State Police would like to go on record regarding the removal of the FREE ED BROWN Banners from the higway overpasses ? Did you know that Banners can stay up for months and not be messed with ? , but for putting up a Free Ed Brown banner it gets immediate and swift attention.
Maybe for every Banner I or you put up and they take down we all put up 2 more ? New Banners going up as well that say SHOWTHELAW.COM .
By sunset tonight over 10,000 cars will have seen that one and over 20,000 cars will have seen the FREE ED BROWN BANNERS that the State Police didn't tear down today