MH 108
The School of Self-Applied Prevention is for members only. The members no longer need a code, the FIRST education is now on a HONOR SYSTEM. The next books/videos/newsletters will only be on DVD and sent by mail and only members are able to order this. I have enough material to make at least 10 more sections, all of which I hope will be as good or better than BOOK I selected materials. All I need to do is set down and spend a few hundred hours on the computer and read each line of the books chosen and make it a study book with comments based on the Barefoot theories, etc.........
My Best author on the planet will be the start of the new selection and naturally Book I author knew this author, because these 2 authors went down in medical history as the ONLY TWO North American MDs that had a near 100% cure rate of all human diseases and they both used drugs, no herbs. The one author became a superman as he aged and thus became my best author. He also wrote books explaining how the thin can ain weight and how the fat can loose it and so much more, I will spend allot of time archiving this author as I throw in my 2 cents worth.
ONLY the MEMBERS should be using the members ONLY page and they are the only ones that have the chance at the future education coming later this year. When the list hits 108, I will make the 108 an no one else an incrediable deal, or I hope they think so anyway...The first 12 will get a better deal, because they started off the method of trying a web site education. When I hit th 108 mark, then I will start the next selection of materials and Ideally make a new DVD each time the 108 mark is reached. Each selection will have videos, a new study book, news letters, home videos, etc....and yes, each will be a donation of $108 as a method to keep the web site up and running and make it worth my time to answer these hundreds of post, etc..
So for now, anyone can peek in on the on-line schooling by clicking the members page. Hopefully this will allow those who had thought about joining but never did because thy had no idea what the littl schooling actualy was, now have a chance to take a peek. If all goes well, I will keep the button active to all, otherwise if there is no positive response, I may change it back to a code entry only!