I have suffered from digestive cramping, bloating and gas for the last 5-6 years and have discovered the following. I don't suffer now only when i go off these principles.
Begin by finding your balanced diet that doesn't cause any digestive discomfort, bloating or pain, by eliminating all foods that irritate the intestine, colon, stomach, liver and kidneys etc
Day 1) Firstly, take a day off work and balance your body by only drinking water all day.
Drink atleast 2.5 litres. With each 2.5 litres mix 1/2 tsp of
Sea Salt /himalayan crystal salt and 1/2 squeezed lemon. Drink more if you can.
Day 2) If in the morning you still have sensitivities, bloating or any pain follow the same procedure for day 1
Day 3) When you finally wake up in the morning feeling no pain then this is the day you can begin eating but don't start eating until 10am and dont eat after 8pm. The reason for this is so when you go to the toilet in 1 or 2 days time you won't be lieing in bed asleep. Eating after 10am will hope to prevent any sitting of food bulking up in the colon when you need to go to the toilet. Also when you go to the toilet its better to squat on it, rather than sitting on the average high toilet seat as it takes pressure off the rectal passage.
9am: upon waking drink 2 glasses of filtered water
10am: Break your fast with pure vegan, dairy free, no added sugar, yeast, salt or fat, vegetable soup. Keep it as mono as possible with as little different ingredients as possible. (squash, or carrot, or sweet potato) Dont use garlic in the soup yet. For seasoning use
Sea Salt /himalayan pink salt and onions if you like.
12pm: drink 2 glasses of filtered water.
1pm: Try soup again but this time add some spelt bread or low fibre, low sugar, low yeast bread, making sure you eat slowly putting the spoon/fork/knife down after each mouthful to help maintain the routine of slow eating.
Follow this routine throughout the day, 1 hr before eating drinking 2 glasses of water. Don't drink with your meals, except you can have a 1/2 mug of hot herbal tea and this aids the digestion. Don't mix fruit with any of your meals as it ferments, so eat fruit seperately. Don't eat more than 2 handfuls measurement each meal. If you are hungry outside of this eating schedule drink some liquid, ideally avoiding anything with sugar, soft drinks or alcohol. Ideally you shouldn't eat more than 4 meals a day, 3 is sufficient, and 2 is ok considering your healing your gut.
Its very important not to add to many new foods per each meal. Learn what your body can tolerate by introducing a new food one by one.
For worry of losing weight add a protein drink with your meal, being careful not to have too much liquid with it. Consider vegan protein drinks like brown rice, pea protein, or carob protein. This will also help to rebuild the gut lining.
Its essential to drink more than you eat as it will expand the food inside you making it soft and not too hard or bulky which is the main cause of diverticular and leaky gut in the first place.
Foods to avoid:
grains - including breads
beans - including soy
dairy - especially milk and cheese
nuts - including pistachio, peanuts
seeds - including flax
sugar - including honey, maple syrup, molasses
yeast - including soy, miso, marmite, old fruits, dried fruits, old wheatgrass, a day old sprouts
vinegar - including apple cider vinegar
high fat foods - including avacado, nuts, seeds, coconut, olives, fried foods, hydrogenated fats, saturated fats, old oxidised fats
Sugar foods - including grapes and high glycemic fruits - mango, papaya, dates, prunes, dried fruits, raisins
citrus fruits - ( except lime and lemon) including pineapple, oranges
nighshade vegetables - including potatoes, tomatoes, aubergine
raw vegetables - especially cabbage, lettuces (except carrots, cucumber)
cold foods - especially icecream
high fibre foods - including psyllium, flax meal, oats
These can irritate and inflame the stomach, bload the intestine, ferment in the gut, and feed bacteria.
Once your digestive system is better you can introduce some of the above but do it slowly.
What does that leave you: vegan, dairy free, yeast free, vinegar free, chemical free, organic vegetables and fruits that are alkaline, low fibre, low sugar, non citrus non exotic local produce.
- start by fasting on water for a few days to remove any pain
- introduce one new food a time per meal
- Chew, chew, chew your food
- drink more than you eat but 1 hr before you eat and not with your meal
- eat after 10am and before 8pm
- eat 4 or less meals a day, with only 2 handfuls per sitting
- if you lose too much weight - buy some vegan protein drinks and mix them with your meals. This will also help to rebuild your intestine.
- additional supplements - slippery elm to help protect the lining of your stomach.
- get some tests done - live function test, hair mineral analysis, urine DMSA challenge test (NOT if you have metal fillings. Only 3 months after removal) before and every 3 months after any periodic diet change to see results.
Good luck all