Other things that have increased in the past 20 years that may have a link to autism:
Population of California condors
# of IPODS per capita
Starbucks franchises
Cars named after abstract concepts
Stray cat population
Time outs as opposed to spanking
# of pussycat dolls
paint colors
varieties of mints
sunny days in pittsburgh (from 55 to 57)
ice cream flavors
kinds of meat you can turn into jerky
# of times Robert Downey Jr. has entered rehab
This is tongue in cheek if you can't tell but it's a serious topic. Personally I think the rise in autism spectrum disorders incidence is due to increased awareness and diagnosis. The reason why it's considered a spectrum is because of the varied severity in impairment. Some kids are very high functioning, but just have some behavioral issues or inability to appreciate social cues. Some cannot use language in the conventional sense. I'm sure many people who did not get diagnosed were treated went on to either grow out of, or learn to cope with their disorder. Think of the eccentric uncle you have who can invent a better lightbulb but who doesn't like loud noises and personal contact. There is probably a multifactorial cause for autism spectrum disorders, genetic predisposition, environmental factors, toxicity, emotional support, trauma, less time with parents, etc. My point with the above list is that there are many people who try to pin all cases of autism and aspergers on a single entity, whether it be vaccines or mercury or power lines or bad parenting or rock n' roll or now sunlight. Could sunlight be a factor? Sure, it's possible, I'm not discounting that. Just like I don't discount vaccines or mercury, etc. However, you can take MANY things and make a graph and say, "hey, you know what, X has increased steadily, just like cases of autism and asperger's, they MUST be related!" The question is whether it's just a coincidence or in fact a causal factor. Unfortunately kids don't live in a vaccuum, and it is very difficult to conclusively decide yes or no with a single factor. Compound this with the fact that it's such a sensitive issue, in that parents with children affected by these problems go through more than anyone can ever imagine who does not take care of similarly affected children. Their child has a problem, and something/someone must be blamed. I think it's good that awareness has increased and research being down to unravel the mystery of autism but I think it's irresponsible to continually cite a cureall/single causal factor. Maybe it's this!!! Hmm..ok maybe it's this!!! Well, sorry, how about this!!!
However, at least in this case, there's no real danger to a little bit more sun exposure responsibly, (smoke em if you got em pittsburgh), and most people are probably deficient in vitD and calcium anyway.