Dear Paulette, Hanna, Trapper, Kathryn, Dusan,
Hopinso, Ami, & Ana,
First of all, thank you for the kind words
you wrote about the messages I've posted on
CureZone. I'm delighted that many of them
resonated with you!
CureZone is a beautiful blossom that has
flowered, unexpectedly, in the winter of my
lifetime. I've always been a teacher, but,
heretofore, my teaching was limited to
classrooms or one-on-one tutoring. CureZone
enables me to cast my seeds, far and wide.
And I know from positive feedback, that
some of those seeds have fallen on fertile
ground. That gives me a deep feeling of
satisfaction. So do the warm friendships
that I've developed with some of you. CureZone
is a win-win situation for me.
Yes, I'd like to see some of my best posts
collected in one spot. Many times, someone
new to CZ asks a question that I've answered
at length in the past. Often, I can't remember
what forum my message was on, or when I posted
I'm a very organized man when it comes to
printed material. I have more than 100 big
three-ring binders filled with all the insightful passages that resonated with me
in a lifetime of reading. They're organized
into categories. In the last 7 years, I've
concentrated most of my efforts on the Health, Healing, & Mysticism binders. I used
to teach a course called Insights, which
involved getting together with four or five
older high school or college students, once
a week for 2 hours in the evening. I would
give each student a binder that had about
20 dividers in it, each labeled with a different category. Some of the categories
were Childhood, Courage, Friendship, Death,
Dreams, Creativity, Goodness, Love, Music,
Myth-Legend, Old Age, and Truth. Then I
would give each student 15 pages of printed
Insights, and we would begin reading and
discussing them.
The students LOVED our discussions! No one wanted the evenings to end. At the end of the
first class, I told them to cut out the
Insights, and tape them into the category
of their choice. After 3 months of Insights,
each student had more than 175 pages of
deeply insightful thoughts into human nature
and the human condition. More importantly,
they had an organized place to put their OWN
insights; passages from books which resonated
with them, and whispered, "Save me!"
I've often wondered if it would be possible
to teach Insights in some fashion on the web.
If any of you have any suggestions, let me know.
Alas, I'm a total klutz when it comes to
technology or machines. It's a kind of
dyslexia; very frustrating, but very real.
So if my best posts were somehow gathered
in one forum or blog, I wouldn't begin to
know how to set it up, transfer them, etc.
I'd need the help of others to organize it.
I'm quite willing to pay one of my CZ friends to take on that task if, indeed, it can be
done. Let me know....
Enough for now! Thanks again for your kind
words. I savor our electronic friendships,
which are very real and very important to me.
Please stay in my life, and let me remain in
Love & Blessings,