You know what? I don't like people being deliberately rude to each other on here. Sometimes that happens, sometimes by the "best" of us, but I REALLY can't stand this kind of underhanded sniping, especially when you know the person you are sniping is currently being mum and not likely to defend themselves. There are issues here on both sides that I have personally agreed with, mainly that no one should be above the rules, but a much more important issue that seems to be severely lacking on one side of the fence is the appreciation of the good that has been contributed by those with the personality quirks you seem to find so offensive. I agree people should not have a license to be rude or bully on these forums, which happens occasionally and which is the main reason I would like to see the moderators of this forum objective and not emotionally involved. But for you to take a pot shot at wombat like that really burns me up. This is a person that I think has spent more time than anyone on this forum compiling information, cheerfully answering questions and HELPING people day after day for many months. As far as I am concerned if she wants to push something off the page with silliness once in awhile it is FAIR GAME compared to the many many MANY pages of amazing information she has compiled day after day to make things easier to read and assimilate on here.
Life can be very dull. Imagine if you worked 40 hours a week and were never allowed a passing, silly conversation with a co-worker. boring.
The complaint wombat had was not of another person having a conversational thread, it was that psalm 23 was disrupting the forum with arguments that would have better been hashed out on the iodine debate forum and it was pushing good information off the page that I imagine took her quite a bit of time to assimilate.
I would be a bit teed, too. Put into context there is nothing two-sided about the complaint. If you are going to lob grenades at least be fair about them.