Jack Booted Thugs
Once while riding on the bus
The seed of Jack Booted Thugs prevailed
In passing I sat quietly
Because these thugs did not hate me
As if by my silence
I seemed to give them energy
And giving made me drained
Like Vampires from me was made
The seed of Jack Booted Thugs
Jack Booted Thugs come in many brands
Blonde haired Blue eyed Pale
Or any number of shades of brown
Sometimes they dress in uniform
Of Po'lice-Man Soldier or Gangsta'
Skinheads are not the one & only form
Jack Booted Thugs' seed is hatred & retaliation
Their armor is ignorance
Small minded thoughts of misery
They cherish and keep close to their hearts
Blame it on yourself
With your children did you spend the time?
Tell them to love your neighbor as brother
But you couldn't do that?
AND Why?
You are too busy watching Tee Vee
Watch Out!
Here comes another Drive By!