It is easy to get "lost" when the thread is moved to the debate forum without leaving some bookmark here; or some message indicating that blah,blah,blah message has been moved to the debate forum. Bet you did not think that you would cause a debate. :}
I read the original post and I can't imagine how someone's quest for answers would be relegated to the Debate Forum - they are valid Iodine Support questions and it should be posted here, as well.
FYI: I did not touch anything in this forum. I did not move anything in this forum, and I did not delete anything in this forum. I am so sorry this happed after all the voting!!! I am trying to find out who did move hoplessmix's thread !!!! I have emailed Spirit!
If you moved the thread, then why behave as you did not. This post indicates that you had no idea who moved the thread. I’m just trying to understand here.
I will find out who did however. Your thread was just find before it was moved, and it was not a debate until it was moved; it was moved so that- who ever moved it- could enter into debate. That is not allowed. I will email Spirit and get to the bottom of this.
FYI: I did not touch anything in this forum. I did not move anything in this forum, and I did not delete anything in this forum. I am so sorry this happed after all the voting!!! I am trying to find out who did move hoplessmix's thread !!!! I have emailed Spirit!
Due to the individual nature of Iodine Therapy, the Pioneers have long agreed that there is no "protocol" for dosage. Some Iodinites can enjoy seemingly heavier dosage than others and it has all been a matter of individual response. Regardless of what Dr. This or Dr. That has written, dosage is personal and is not (and, SHOULD not be) a topic of debate.
It wasn't always that way; and I'm pretty sure it is still festering. You're right though; it should not be.
It seemed that the dosage debate/s were really trying to redefine this forum from Iodine support to orthoiodosupplementation - in my opinion. Nothing changed; as things debated seldom do.