Well, it's getting to be That Time Of Year, again - when chiggers lurk in tall grass and swarm over the unsuspecting host. I have had 3 infestations of chiggers in the past 4 years that left me fit to be tied. Without a doubt, a dose of chiggers is one of the worst bug experiences that I've ever Survived! And, that includes the time that I was drinking a milkshake during September many years ago and sucked up a Yellow Jacket into my mouth who had been stuck in the straw when he/she/it was trying to bulk up for YJ hibernation. Omigawd - it stung my tongue and I couldn't articulate for DAYS (a blessing to many).
My question is this: HOW can I repel chiggers and, if I DO get an infestation, how do I kill the little bastids? Last year, I was so desperate that I doused them with some of the
Turpentine that I was using while I was painting! ACK!!!!
Thanks for suggestions!