MH 108
I use to sale it by the gallons ONLY, then a few here on the curezone condemed all sources of Lecithin and no one purchased it anymore, so I took it off my list and just make the formula mix I like. We always have the lecithin on the shelf in gallons and those in the know still want it. The info I have is basically do this:
1 tablespoon daily to be liver/gallbladder stone free for life, this alone should make living to 100+ a breeze. I pesonally believe if the liver and blood system is kept free of mud, we may never die.
Those with MS and other nerve/circulation problems may want to tripple the dose to 3 tablespoons daily, I found this info tucked away in papers that a MD and Naturopath wrote about how they wanted to cure a daughter an the paper had been documented in a medical journal. Regardless of its value in gallstone health dating back to the 1930's in medical books, soy lecithin is a key ingredient in many baked foods. The lecithin I use is food grade used by bakeries. "IF" they knew it was used as a health supplement, the price would go out of site....
Lecithin is a sticky mess to deal with; just as the MDs describe about human cholesterol problems. According to the books I have read, the human body uses soy lecithin to make human lecithin and that cholesterol name is a fancy name for lecithin. Cholesterol being a medical name for when human lecithin is in trouble. I suggest from what I have read, that soy lecithin is the greatest supplement to the modern diet disovered in the past 70 years and by far the cheapest of them all.
Not popular with herbalist or health food stores, because it eliminates the reason for them being in business.