hi my name is dan im 19
This past august i had unpertected sex with a girl .
Two weeks later i started geting symtoms of Clamydia (smelly clear discharge,burning when i urinate) im not sure but i think the discharge is causing a little bit of burnig\ichy feel on the for skin at the end when the skin is completly covering the head .im not sercumsized .
some time around june before august my friend had unpertected sex with the same girl .I didnt know this at the time but he started to get hardcore pains in his nut and and it started to get swolen ,to make long story short the docs remove his nut .They still aren't sure what it was but they say it was a bad infection ,that could have bin caused by an std .Sea were im going with this?
I went for a urin test and got some medication.Two weeks later it was result time .the treatment was to take 1 week but two weeks later i still had symtoms and tested positive for Clamydia .i took the treatment 2 more times
.the secound i took the treatment i got tested again .It came back negative but i still had symtoms 2 1/2 mounths later.when the third mounth came i got tested for every std exept for herps (no signs of warts). Every thing came back negative .i went back to the clinic and the doc ther gave me referal for a speacalist but ther closed for the holidays .now reasently ive noticed small smalll little white bups around were the the for skin conects with the base of the head .it burns an itchs a little ,nothing unbarable,it hasnt gotten worst in the past two days but could it still be realated?. from the info ive colected on the web im starting to get the idea i might have urinary infection or inflamation or herps i duno.i going crazy. i need info can someone help.any info feedback, coments, storys of similar situations would be great.