Yes, I have the same puss bumps and can not figure it out. I have been to my GYN multiple times. I got them last year for about 40 days - there were about 3 huge ones that squirt huge amounts of puss and are very painful. They were on my thighs, and one on my buttocks. They went away after I tried multiple
Antibiotics to try to break the infection or whatever they were. Now, its a year later, and haven't seen any until this week... I am desperate to find out what they are. Also note, that when I first got them, my boyfriend at the time had experienced the same thing in the past... so I tend to think i got it from him. It must be sexually transmitted. They are not normal puss bumps. They are huge and irritated, and take long to bring puss to the surface.... if anyone knows anyting about this... please share. Help.