Hi all, I would really like some experienced opinions on whether or not I am experiencing a prolonged die-off of candida or just a relapse. I've been battling intestinal candida for 3 years now and have slowly but surely had steady increases to the point where in March this year I could almost say I was 100%. It took time but i got there. I had been using the simple methods of bowel cleansing and probiotics and bit by bit I regained my health. However, i took a different probiotic at the beginning of April and it seemed to effect me in a way so I only took it for 4 days. It was apparetnly a very good probiotic with good adherance to the bowel wall. So I stopped taking everything and slowly I started feeling worse and worse. At first I had a sinus infection which cleared in a few days and was really good because after the infection passed my sinuses were better than they had been for years. Then I started to feel like I had a flu and during the last couple of weeks of May its gotten to the point where my symptoms have been extreme, with night sweats, anxiety, bloating (which Ive never experienced before),tiredness and what generally feels like die-off symptoms. Or is it a flare-up? It seems to be a very long die off period (5 or 6 weeks)but do you think that the new probiotic I took could have actuallly been slowly doing its job and causing the candida to die off? I'm starting to think that it may be a flare-up because of the time its been. I'm also worried that it could be a flare up which has slowly gained strength because I have been off the probiotics for the first time in 12 months although 4 weeks ago I tried to go back on my old probiotic and it gave me diarrhea which it had never done before suggesting that my bowels did not need anymore probiotics. Please can anyone give me their thoughts on what is going on with me because I am wondering which action to take now?