Hi MH,
How are you feeling? Hope that leg continues to heal quickly! You are a walking testimony to what you are teaching us and I believe all things work together for our good. God Bless you.
I want to report to you that we are planning to go on a 3 day vacation to Branson in a couple of weeks. This is the first real vacation I have felt like taking in 15 years because I just didn't feel like it. But after starting much of your proticol in Aug.- 06, beginning with a liver flush/24 day fast I am ready to go! I think eating no breakfast and only drinking juice until between 1-4 pm before eating anything has caused my bowels to continue expelling more toxins than being taken in each day. I hope to finally master what I eat but have to admit it isn't always the best. But I'll continue to try, having the Hay way or mucusless diet mentality now. I do believe the continued use of LBB has been VERY KEY to getting back my energy! I no longer have insomnia and have to FORCE myself to get out of bed. My body isn't dealing with trying to digest a toxic mass of junk! I had such bad chronic fatigue in past years I was treated for adrenal fatigue for a year. I have been working on my thyroid lately, getting off the RX (natural tho it was) by taking Mrs. Barefoot, dewormer, and now the elderberry tincture and Immucalm I got last month from you. I want to get some Lugols solution to put in my bath, and also start on Metal X. I have gotten totally off my hormone RX by taking your Homone Balance and don't have any hot flashes or uncontrallabe bleeding problems anymore. Even though I know the Longevity Spices are important, I find it difficult for me to take, so am still on the lower dosages of it. Hot and spicy has never been very palatable for me so I am praying God will change that tencancy and that I, too, will crave it as you do! Something else that has held me back from taking a vacation has been my SEVERE allergy problem. However, when I began taking oregano/safflower oil and olive leaf drops for a bout of food poisoning that I had, I got such quick and amazing relief from the nausia! ( I only had to deal with diahhreah for 1 day instead of 2). During that time I hadn't taken my allergy pills and mucinex for fear for vomiting and realized later that my my allergies hadn't even bothered me while I was on the drops! Wow! So I figured out about how much I had been taking and have continued to take the Pure oreg. 1 or 2 drops in a capsule at least 3Xday since and a few drops of olive leaf once a day. I carry it with me wherever I go so when we leave on vacation I know will be ready for anything! My fear has been that I would get seasick on the Titanic exibit, but I am thinking positive, now that I realized what help the oreg.oil/olive leaf give. Thank God and you, MH, for this NEEDED vacation, short as it is!!!!! We hope to revisit some of the places we went to on our honeymoon almost 25 years ago!
God Bless you and Brenda for what you do to help us,