Although the cause for candida, and other bacterial overgrowth can be linked to a malfunctioning ileocecal valve, the question arises: "what causes it to stay open?"
From my studies I would propose that it's not caused by a lack of calcium in the diet, but rather biounavailability of calcium. Most North Americans get plenty of calcium in their diet, but this calcium cannot be properly utilized without sufficient magnesium, and vitamin D (the sun vitamin).
It's interesting to note that many people are deficient in both magnesium (from soil depletion and overuse of calcium without adequate magnesium intake) and vitamin D (from lack of sun exposure, or living in the northern hemisphere). The result is: calcium is not used by the body the way it should be. Often people will develop
Gallstones and calcium deposits as a result. This is telltale sign calcium is not being absorbed correctly. We want the Calcium to become bioavailable and absorbed into the places we need it in the body, such as muscle tissue.
When you correct magnesium deficiency (taking about 1000mg of magnesium citrate or chloride for about 3 months) and vitamin D deficiency (4000iu for several months), this problem naturally goes away on it's own. Although it certainly can't hurt to get a kiniseologist, or chiropractor to mechanically correct the problem and then do this therapy afterwards to prevent it from coming back.