Seeing the likes of Edell and Sampson, one may get the idea that they are either well-schooled actors OR genuinely believe the very lies which they adhere to...either way, another specimen study in how arrogant, well to do, well placed, seemingly intelligent, public figure white guys with all kinds of titles after their names end up compromised, in need of integrity, while on bended knee doing their part to help prop up the high priests of orhodoxy and all it's staunchly supported lies and frauds therein. Seeing the likes of Barrett put to mind somebody who may have once fancied himself part of that crowd but around the edges was already showing the signs of somebody well on their way to unexpectedly coming out another end as the result of having been exposed under the light of day.
These three figures also made heavy use of the well used term/tool "scientific proof". That has become so much the modern abomination... a real pity for what was a once legitimate term, so much so to have convinced me that the last thing I ever want to see in this context is the day when that particular fraud is willingly & publicly approved by orthodoxy and it's millions of minons and adherents as a fitting status to be awarded to the name Gerson and or similar alterntative therapies that - utilizing real food as medicine, has done what scientific orthodoxy has historically refused to do; cure cancers. As far as this goes, if the day should ever come when Gerson or other food-as-medicine therapies reach such a sorry status, that may well be the time officially denoting that such therapies have themselves become as infiltrated, and compromised and corrupted as mainstream, and therefore time for the sincere student to ditch them and start looking elsewhere, again, for other legitimate solutions not yet so tainted.