I personally do not believe in doing the P&B shakes for more than two weeks at a time. It took me over a year of off and on again colon cleansing to pass more than just a few shreds of mucoid plaque. These release came after I had done nine days of
The Master Cleanse lemonade fast. I passed a little over three feet of hard rubbery hollow matter studded with white and orange-red worms. This was not psyllium fiber, I guarantee you after a year of P&B I could recognize psyllium laden stool, there was no comparison. The next day I passed another almost four feet of stool. The first two feet was the same hard hollow plaque, the remainder was clearly psyllium, soft, spongy and solid. Passing the fecal matter, whatever you want to call it was life changing. I had been disabled and out of work for over a year. Soon after, I was able to return to work.
Still, I would suggest you stop the P&B for a while and allow your system to rest. Psyllium can abrade your small intestine and irritate the villi. That will hinder your absorption of nutrients.
You may not have a huge build up of plaque and are eliminating the build up gradually as it is scraped away and eliminated in normal BM's. This is how it should work. Be sure to eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies to get your fiber. Take a spoon full or two of psyllium if you think you need it. Skip the
Bentonite for awhile, it does cause problems in some people and build up in the gut itself.
Before your next round of P&B shakes, try and do a Master Cleanse, it works wonders softening the matter that lines the colon. If you don't want to fast, then just drink the lemonade and eat a light vegetarian diet.