Has anyone any experience with the drops that you add to water to make it more alkaline and raise body PH. I have read on some sites that they are great and other's that they are just a hoax and as soon as the water hits your stomach its made acidic anyway.
Also can they be dangerous to take.
Any imput appreciated.
Thanks M.
just saw your message, sorry I can't remember which site I saw it on I was checking so many, but it came up on the Google search engine, if I find it again I will post it here.
You were talking about drops. I a just started to research this and this web site sells a machine to make alkalizing water. Also have been researching about this coral calicium and how that rasies your PH. They say that Cesium cures cancer. Cesium is in some coral calciums. #55 on the chemical chart.Interesting???
MACHINE & CESIUM SITE: http://www.rainbowminerals.net/the_alkalizer.htm
You were talking about drops. I a just started to research this and this web site sells a machine to make alkalizing water. Also have been researching about this coral calicium and how that rasies your PH. They say that Cesium cures cancer. Cesium is in some coral calciums. #55 on the chemical chart.Interesting???
MACHINE & CESIUM SITE: http://www.rainbowminerals.net/the_alkalizer.htm