I’ve had chronic chapped lips since I was born. So, I’ll assume that it was a nutritional deficiency that was passed to me by my mom. I assume ‘nutritional’ and 'passed through my mom' because I just found out that the same supplements that are being recommended for shingles are the same ones being recommended for this lip condition. ( B-complex, L-Lysine and C ) My mom, who has shingles, also has chapped lips, although it doesn’t seem to be as chronic as mine. So, again, I’ll assume that , while pregnant, since she was deficient in these nutrients, she didn’t have much to pass on to me, hence the reason why I am worse off than she. Now, my son (age 14) sometimes seems to get chapped lips. However, unlike my mom and me who never drink water, he drinks plenty during the day and always brings a bottle to bed to drink during the night. He’s been like this pretty much all his life because, since he was a baby, this is all I gave him when he was thirsty (no juices) in hopes that he would become a water drinker. My mom and I can barely get it down our throats!!!
Another person posted that he/she felt the lack of water intake was not the problem because he/she drank 8-10 glasses per day and still had this lip problem. My observation in this area is that some people can hold and retain liquids for a very long time and others can’t. For instance, I drink one cup and almost immediately out come three! I have to actually ‘plan’ on when it’s a good time to drink because I don’t want to get caught driving or in a store without a bathroom nearby. I can’t see how my body has any time to utilize the water if it is getting rid of it (and more) almost instantly! My son doesn’t seem to have a problem with this. Perhaps it’s because his body actually uses the water to hydrate his body before expelling it? My acupuncturist claims that my body has gone without water for so long that it no longer knows what to do with it and so removes it as soon as it comes in. She says my body will start to absorb it once it gets used to it. Another thought about the assimilation of water is that perhaps we are not drinking the RIGHT type of water. I read that if you drink properly
Alkalized Water that your body uses it more efficiently and therefore you don’t even need to drink what is normally recommended....which btw, for those who do not know, it's half your body weight in ounces.
The one time in my whole life that I have not had chapped lips was during a week when I stayed in Ixtapa in the state of Zihuatanejo in Mexico. I had assumed that because the climate was humid that it had kept my whole body hydrated enough, allowing my lips to stay moist and not go through the normal drying and peeling that I have always experienced. NOW, another person brought up the fact that he (?) too had a similar experience in Mexico. He did not say where in Mexico nor what the climate was like... only mentioned that it might have been attributed to the water exposure during surfing. He thought it might have been a nutrient in the ‘dead
Sea Salt .’ Another person posted that when in humid weather it seems to make no difference with this lip problem. The person does not state where, or for how long he/she remained in humid weather. I’ve been in humid areas, as well and I have not noticed improvement either, but remember, I said I was in this humid part of Mexico a whole week. Do we have anyone here that actually lives in a place with constant humidity? If so, and we could rule that out, perhaps it was the water or a combination of the water, humidity and the warmth? My last input, for now, is that I live in a climate that is a little more to the cool and dry side. I look forward to reading your contributions as well as your thoughts about mine. Please post any similarities you might have in common with me or what conditions you think might be related (deficiency-wise) to this lip problem.