Well, I'm into day five and it's been interesting. Nothing dramatic, as in nothing I can photograph, but I see and feel other things happening.
On day 3 I had a severe case of edema in my feet and legs. Within 12 hours, the swelling was gone. I'm guessing this was an indication of die off. Day 5, I've been feeling tingling sensations all around my head and face. Either it's a wormwood high or something else is going on. I know everyone tracks BM results. Mine are normal. I haven't experienced any constipation, but I make a point to stay well hydrated. Finally, I've been feeling something around my liver for a month. This movement is gone. I still feel *something* but it's no longer moving.
The toxins we eliminate don't always take such dramatic form as a bolus of worms. I hope I don't see a bolus of worms, because I hope I don't have them, but if I do, so be it. But if the movements I've been feeling stop for good in the next 30-60 days, I'll conclude the cleanse did it's job.