I'm going to start one & edit this as needed. Please correct me or add things and I will edit this post to reflect those changes.
Refer to
for a FAQ.
Q: What is oil pulling? What does it do?
A: Oil pulling seems to pull toxins from the saliva and possibly the bloodstream. There are blood vessels in the mouth that only have a thin layer of mucosa over them, so the toxins in the blood may permeate this barrier and enter the oil. However, some of the "good stuff" circulating in your bloodstream may enter the oil as well.
Q: What oils can I use?
A: People have used ugly-pesticide-free, unrefined, expeller-pressed (as little heat used in the process & no chemicals either) nut oils (peanut, sunflower, almond, macadamia nut, sesame, toasted sesame), olive oil (sometimes abbreviated
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil for extra-virgin), virgin coconut oil (sometimes abbreviated VCO), or castor oil. Caution: olive oil may turn your teeth a yellowish color.
Not sure about palm oil? Flax oil?
If it's not in this list, it's probably best to stay away from it.
Oils you should definitely stay away from:
Anything extracted with high heat and/or catalysts, anything that came from a nasty-pesticided source, hydrogenated oils, canola oil, soybean oil, any vegetable oil not mentioned above, fish or cod liver oil (just cuz that sounds gross). Meat fats are probably not a good idea.
Don't sweat refined vs. unrefined too much. If you use an oil with little bits in it, then uh, those will probably get in your teeth and be weird. A chemically refined oil is something to stay away from. Some have recommended a refined oil (see
Q: My coconut oil is a solid. I need it to be liquid to swish. What can I do?
A: Scrape up some with a spoon and put it in your mouth - body temperature will melt it in seconds. Or put the container in a warm place until you get liquid. Or put the container in pretty warm water until it liquifies.
Q: Castor oil sure is thick...
A: Yeah, it's a little weird at first, but as the saliva mixes with it, it will feel thinner.
Q: What can I add to my oil or have added to my oil?
A: People have enhanced the effect through the following, all from nasty-chemical-free sources you trust: peppermint oil, oregano oil, an oil infused with garlic...
A: On an empty stomach: put a spoonful (around 2 teaspoons) of oil into mouth and swish for as long as you can. Focus on pulling it between your teeth. For maximum benefit, do not perform other activities during your oil pull. Do not gargle the oil or otherwise let it go near the back of your throat. The recommended time is 20 minutes, because supposedly the blood in your body circulates around approximately once in that time period. It is suggested that you spit out the oil somewhere where toxic stuff won't accumulate - perhaps in the garbage. The sink and the toilet may not be good places to put it, depending on your circumstances. It is also recommended that you let the oil get thin and watery as it mixes with your saliva. It may even get white and foamy. Do not despair if this does not happen, or if you must start with new oil before this happens. For maximum cleanliness, clean your mouth immediately:
Sea Salt ed water can be used as a mouthwash, and a variety of things can be used to clean your teeth, not just toothpaste (baking soda is one though it may be too harsh for some people). Other people insist on cleaning their mouths first, or at least flossing first, feeling this stimulates the detoxification process. Some people swallow the oil and feel their digestive system will eliminate the toxic crud, but others advise against this to get any toxic crud out.
Q: What will I see in the oil?
A: You may not see anything. (Others?)
Q: Do I want to make sure the crud in the oil gets killed?
A: If you want, you can use something that has antibacterial and/or antiviral properties: virgin coconut oil, oregano oil, peppermint oil, garlic-infused oils are some examples.
Q: Can I eat right after oil pulling?
A: Yes. It may even stimulate your digestive juices and make you hungry.
Q: Is thick and white / thin and white / thin and watery / thin and colorless / really stinky oil normal after I've swished?
A: Sure.
Q: What are some things NOT to add to my oil?
A: Uhh...anyone have something to add here?
Q: What if I can't keep the same oil in my mouth for 20 minutes?
A: Don't stress over this. You may be using too much oil at once; adjust the amount next time. You may need to spit the oil out and put a new spoon of oil in.
Q: What benefits and negatives can I expect?
A: Check out this forum,
and any other websites with personal testimonials.
Q: Will I get acne? Will the
Acne go away?
A: Some people experience acne, but in general, it seems to go away after a while. Oil pulling has helped people with a number of skin problems. In general, people can experience
Acne in many detoxification processes.
Q: When are good times to oil pull?
A: First thing in the morning and just before bed, at least a couple of hours after your last meal, are popular times to oil pull.
Q: How often can I oil pull?
A: As much as you are comfortable doing. In general, there are no clear dangers to pulling often. However, if you want to do some experimental work and find out if lots of good minerals are coming out of your saliva, please share that with us :) Also, if you have particular problems that seem to worsen with frequent oil pulling, please share that. People have had some unique results from oil pulling - some people never have any problems, while others attribute certain problems to their oil pulling.
Q: Other good websites not already mentioned?
A: ?