When it comes to making the Law of Attraction work, it is extremely useful to question the motives behind our conscious intentions.
Many place their intentions and find themselves not succeeding. Why is that?
Why does it seemingly work for some and not others?
Consider this – the field of intention is a place where the *Source of all Creation* resides. This field, when accessed, allows for the LOA. So, in order to access the LOA, we must be *fully aligned* to this source energy.
1. What is this Source energy?
2. What prevents us from aligning ourselves to the Source?
3. How do we align ourselves?
4. How to put the LOA to work?
What is Source Energy?
Everything is created from the same source. Some may refer to this source energy as God/Creator/Universe. I will use the term “God.” And for ease, refer to God as “he.”
Where is God? There is no place that he’s not.
God is pure, unbounded, creative energy.
If you take a look at those who became God-realised (Ghandi, Mother Theresa, St. Francis, Jesus, Buddha etc.,) all teach oneness, truth, love, kindness, cooperation, giving, sharing, forgiveness, unity, compassion, peace, service etc.
These attributes are the face of God.
If those attributes are the face of God, it may be clear that God is not judgemental, hatred, anger, fear, shame, separation, vanity, greed, war etc.
If everyone emanated from the creative intent of God, that makes each and every one of us a piece of God, a perfect manifestation of the divine, and in that, we are ALWAYS connected to God and this source energy field where the LOA resides.
So, if there’s no place that God is not, and each one of us is a piece of God, meaning we have a direct link to the LOA, why then are many so disconnected as to be unable to attract all that they seek?
What Prevents us from Aligning to The Source Field, to make the LOA work?
The key to accessing the LOA successfully is that we MUST align ourselves with the face of God.
What separates us from God?
Here are some of the faces of Ego:
"I am What I have"
"I am what I do"
"I am what others think of me"
"I am separate from everyone"
"I am separate from all that is missing from my life"
"I am separate from God"
The ego is what accounts for how we experience ourselves as disconnected from others. By allowing ego to rule, we cannot realise God within ourselves and be connected with the source energy field where the LOA resides.
Separation is only an illusion of the ego. The polarities that exist are created by these illusions - to learn from, to grow with, to integrate our shadow and light back to oneness, back to the source that is unified ONLY with the Faces of God (oneness, truth, love, kindness, cooperation, giving, sharing, forgiveness, unity, compassion, peace, service.)
Ego is simply an idea we carry around with us that always wants to win, to be right, to have more, to be better than, to be superior to, to be offended by, to own more than …
Do you want to be a hostage to your ego or a host to God?
How do we align ourselves?
Activating the LOA means fully aligning ourselves and our intentions to the Faces of God.
Here are some examples from those using the LOA and being aligned:
Prayer of St Francis:
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
St Francis illustrates clearly not to ask for peace, we must *be* the peace.
**We can not attract what we are not.**
Buddhist Prayer:
May I become at all times, both now and forever
A protector for those without protection
A guide for those who have lost their way
A ship for those with oceans to cross
A bridge for those with rivers to cross
A sanctuary for those in danger
A lamp for those without light
A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
And a servant to all in need.
The Buddhist prayer also is aligned with the Faces of God.
**To be of service to others.**
To use the LOA in a selfish way, may backfire. But if your intentions are pure, they will be in harmony with God, where all creative possibilities reside.
Putting the LOA to work:
Being aware of ones ego at ALL times is essential if you want to use the LOA in a positive way. So, consider every thought you think, every action you take, every word you write, every intention you make .. and ask yourself if that comes from the your connection with the faces of God or from your Ego.
For example, if you have an intention to help others and be of service, examine your motives. Do they truly to serve others or do they serve your Ego?
Same applies for an intention for more money. Does having more serve you or others?
As in relationships – do you want only love for yourself or do you want love for others?.
The LOA is ALWAYS working! Your life is a mirror of the LOA at work. And what we give out is what we get back. It’s very simple. Just focus on being happy with what you have, focus on wanting others to be happy, abundant and at peace etc., and you will receive all the gifts from the field of infinite possibilities.
Want love, *be* love
Want abundance, *be* generous
Want compassion, *be* compassionate
~~ Give to others what you seek and you will see the returns multiplied.~~
The above is a small summary of my understanding and experience. Each area could be expanded enormously, and I would like to do that at a later stage.
Have a great day!