It should be obvious by inference, insinuation and by simple observance what "may"have happened. When a person "may" become banned there "may" be little fanfare. It is up to the person banned, forum owner or not to either reincarnate into alternate bodily form sometimes (what 14 or 15 times now? for some) usually after a period of laying low or to alternately move on. A forum owner, however "may" have more at stake than a typical poster and most likely "may" find it beneficial to see the way of the webmaster and may apologize to the webmaster and promise to adhere to TOS, the webmaster may then reinstate him hence no message may be needed.. Aye would use my intuition and venture to speculate that any particular forum owner that "may" have gotten banned "may" have done what is required for reinstatement and perhaps "may" choose to lay low for a while as this is usually best looking back at those who have returned from the void. "tis his own choice" Of course this banning "may"apply to those who hide behind the maya (not Invincible) or illusion of purple haze and those who 'may" desire to construct more animated star wars characters in the future.
just my two-pence