It's strange that in the last couple days, Invincible who has normally been so devoted decided to stop being his moderator. Moreless hasn't posted in awhile and there hasn't been any word from him.. his last posts before departing were extremely critical (but he'd have negative kicks like that on a regular basis so it wasn't anything new). Weird how he'd make CZ an everyday part of his life for so long and then nothing.
This is speculation, but could he have fallen ill? It would be ironic but also help explain the lack of communication, since he has been extremely accusatory of others who didn't use the drink and weren't in perfect health ('why have you not been able to solve your problems "YET"'... and so on). Certainly would be an embarassment if he came down with something serious given comments like that in the past; hopefully this hasn't happened and he's not ill, or worse.
Has he taken a hiatus to help someone out personally? He has a giving nature although some don't agree with his style of communicating. If this was the case, there would be some explanation from Invincible I would think since they chat on a personal basis frequently, and she would know plus there would be an incentive to let his followers know what was going on.
Has he abruptly gotten booted from CZ? Same deal, I'd think there would be some kind of notification so ppl would know what had happened.
I'm curious- anyone know what really has been going on? I sincerely hope the guy's ok.