I was wandering through Cure Zone's excellent website and found this forum. I would like to mention a couple things about
Liver Flushes that I never see written. First, they make you feel soooo good after you are done. You feel light as a feather and walk on air for a day or two after. The next thing is it is probably one of the best anti-aging therapies. I don't know why cleaning the liver does it, but people sometimes look years younger afterward - perhaps it the colon cleansing aspect or maybe consuming all the olive oil or magnesium instead, I don't know. And, after doing a liver flush, the comment from people is invariably, "That wasn't nearly as bad as I expected."
Despite the numerous benefits many people are still scared to do a liver flush, though. I have found there are supplements that can be taken to effect almost the same results, but of course, take a few weeks or months. I don't sell these supplements. They are widely available in health food stores and online.
FutureBiotics Silymarin Plus. I describe this on my website as such: "A large amount of silymarin plus inositol, choline, beet, dandelion, alfalfa, black radish, etc. One of the only products I have found which contains black radish and beet root powder together. 3 tablets per day dose can be doubled if needed. Probably the single best supplement to remove both solvents in the liver as well as mineral deposits like gallstones. Using this for two weeks while drinking unfiltered apple juice and a tablespoon of olive oil before bed is likely as effective, and possibly more so, as a Hulda liver flush. "
Apple juice should have a teaspoon of ascorbic acid added per gallon to help detoxify possible molds, and should only be used short term.
To further increase effects, also use magnesium before bed, the best to use being magnesium citrate or ascorbate(100-250% RDA).