After reading CureZone for a year and reading
Andreas Moritz Amazing
Liver Flush book I finally felt prepared and confident enough to do my first flush. I had my gallbladder out in March of 2001 so I really know this is something I needed to do. Thank you all for your stories, experience, and suggestions. Without you all, I'm not sure I would have done it. Here's the details:
Started drinking apple juice (32
oz. per day) on 5/2/07.
Ate no fat 5/6/07 - 5/7/07.
Before bed 5/6/07 took 8
Oxypowder capsules to pave the way.
Woke up 5/7/07 had a small amount of oatmeal (yuck!), mid-morning had some watermelon, then had a bowel of lima beans for lunch. Finished eating at 1:30. Throughout this morning I drank the last bottle of apple juice for a total of 6 days.
Continued to drink as much water as possible throughout the day.
6:00pm first
Epsom Salts (24
oz. water with 4 Tbs. of ES, divided into 4, 3/4 cup portions). Drank warm, mostly through a straw. Decided that was a bad idea because it took too long. Chugged the rest with nose held. Definetly not as bad as I'd feared.
8:00pm second
Epsom Salts . Making sure not to drink any water 20 minutes before or after the ES doses.
9:45pm started squeezing the juice out of the lemons and oranges (room temperature). 1/3 cup of each, poured into a glass jar with 4
oz. of EVOO, shaken well. Stood by the bed, chugged it down and immediately layed down at 10:02pm. Elevated my head and laid on my back for 40 minutes with a heating pad on my liver set on medium without any movement or talking.
10:40pm turned off heating pad and went to sleep. No problems whatsoever. Slept well until 6:10am.
6:15am chugged 3rd portion of ES, warmed with nose held.
7:00am finally!!! I see 3 green stones. Progress!!!
8:00am chugged final portion of ES, warmed with nose held and prayed for the best outcome.
I did not feel sick or tired at all. I went to work 9-5 as usual with no problems. I snuck my colander into the bathroom with me and managed to retrieve any stones which were pea sized or larger and have them in a jar in the freezer so I can show anyone who doubts what kind of results I got, in addition to the pictures I took.
I continued to eliminate stones until 9:15pm on 5/8/07. Probably 5 larger than a penny. All varying shades of green. Maybe 120 total including all the sesame seed sized ones. Got out some sandy type material as well.
Did a colema (my first, that was interesting) at 5:30pm and saw 2 more stones in the bowel.
And now you know the rest of the story! Can't wait to do it again.