Let us know what scan you had done, and what the results are. Hope you find out what is wrong.
One thing you could consider in the mean time, is to take a strong dose of digestive aids just before each meal. This could help a lot. Get something with Ox Bile in it. It should also have Pancreatic Enzymes. Sometimes you need to get a couple of different sources and take both so you get a well rounded mix. Wobenzyme is a good product...many others. When my liver was plugged, I took about 2-3 times the dose recommended on the lable to get relief from the digestive problems.
Another approach to consider, until you actually start Dr.
Hulda Clark s flush, you may wish to discontinue oil and other fatty foods. If your liver/gallbladder is plugged, the fats and oils will only make your pain worse. Suggest you try fresh green uncooked foods...salads, vegies, etc. Use no or a minimum for dressings. Fresh fruits are also very good. Take the digestive aids even with these, but you won't need as much.