Hi Trapper...I just happened to run across one of your old posts early this morning
and it sent me on a search for some of your 'older' posts. :-)
I can't seem to find what I was really looking for, so I wondered if you would
just answer a couple of questions for me.
I'm having a problem with enlarged liver...doctor is calling it fatty liver, after
a cat scan...he says if I lose 10
pounds it will go away. :-) I'm 5' and weigh
127 now...am 60 years old and have been this weight for 40 years...
"I" think the enlarged liver...and you can visibly see the bulge from the outside...is due to taking Synthroid for my thyroid for 34 years...also been on
Lanoxin for my heart for 21 years. Plus our diet is good 'and' bad. :-) On and
off...we start the day really good, following Owen's advice...Brazil nuts, almonds,
cottage cheese/flax oil/pineapple...a little fruit once in a while...our 'meal'...
like what I read about yours...is in the evening and it's mostly veggies with a
little meat sometimes...but then we sometimes snack on ice cream while watching
tv in the evening. :-) All that good all day...to wrap it up with ice cream. :-)
But anyway...we do lots of healthy things most days...and most OF the day.
We're really outdoors people...we're retired...we have several gardens...work
constantly, by choice...we love being busy.
I read that you had a congested liver or something...brain fog, thyroid problems,
etc...and even read some of the things you did to turn your health around...
but what about the Lecithin and
Olive-Oil at bedtime...how much of each...and why
do you not add the lemon or lime to it?
And what about that sitz bath...what kind of benefits do you feel you received
from that?
Also, about the 1/4 tsp of
Sea Salt for every
quart of water you drink...why did
you start doing that...and what were the benefits?
I saw where you mentioned following The Barefoot's advice...but I went there and
am not really familiar with his forum...and there was just too much to scan and
I don't have much time today.
I enjoy reading your posts...you usually have some really good advice...hope you
have some good advice for me. :-) kathryn
Oh I forgot to mention, I started oil pulling because of your posts...and I absolutely swear by it. I'm even losing hard plaque...and my teeth have even
whitened. So thanks for all those posts on oil pulling!!! :-)