Hi Tasha,
The puffy dark circles are related to the liver but it's not that cut and dry. If the colon is not functioing properly and toxins are building up in the body, then the liver will have to work overtime to try and process toxins that are not being elminated. This will cause you to retain fluid which is where the puffiness comes from.
Eating bitter greens such as dandelion, mustard, collard,etc... these are considered liver bitters, which is cleansing to the liver. If you want a good liver tonic that is simple and effective; drink the juice of one lemon in a cup of warm/hot water(what ever you prefer) first thing in the morning before you do anything else....his means brushing your teeth, medication, anything... drink the lemon water first and wait 20 to 30 minutes and then get on with your day. This will stimulate the colon and it's a liver tonic.
I would encourage you to cleanse your colon first, this is THE most important part of cleansing your body. If you start cleansing your liver without addressing your colon and you stir up toxins that have no way out what do you think will happen to these toxins? They will find other places to settle and could possible create more issues than you already have. This will put unnecessary stress on your body....I am very passionate about body cleansing that always starts with the colon. If you address the colon first and start the cleansing process then and only then you can start cleansing other organs. The toxins must have a way out first!
If you eat raw dark green bitters with other veggies and start a good colon cleansing regime that has scraping agents not just bulking agents that will get the colon eliminating properly of unwanted waste you will be on the right track to balancing your body and ridding yourself of the dark circles and bags.
If you are interested in cleansing your kidneys which is what malic acid is good for then just drink black cherry juice (unsweetened) it's full of malic acid.
If you go to
you can buy my triple cleanse program that has a colon cleanser, organ cleanser and a parasite formula. You should cleanse for three months to allow your body the time to properly cleanse and rebalance itself.
Drink the lemon water in the mornings, eat the raw bitters and get on a colon, organ and parasite cleanse.... then the third month add Resist for Candida and start the Candida diet. I can provide you with one that I like, there are a few different ones floating around but I don't agree with all of them. I will provide you with it if you are interested.
If you want to buy other products then I suggest that print out the ingredients on my labels for guidance on what to shop for.
I am suggesting these products for you: Clear, Purify, Cleanse,and Resist.
I hope that this information has been helpful and let me know if you need any further help.