Take it from someone who has been called acidic, sick and diseased, mentally ill, ignorant, a wannabe expert who can't help herself, a danger to others, and someone who has been here (on Curezone) far too long. Add to that the fact a certain person deliberately outed my anonymous number and revealed some personal information only two people on Curezone were privy to. I have been accused of being a fake, of not really wanting to be healed, and going against the laws of the "creator". Most of these posts disappeared within hours, sometimes minutes of being posted.
Perhaps the reason >=< hates people who are treated with respect on other forums and have their opinions sought out is because he is jealous. He believes his little alkalizing drink will cure everything from zits on the backside to terminal, metastasized cancers. Even more disturbing than his lack of even the most basic knowledge of scientific principles is his desire to control people, and the cruel way he treats everyone who dares to question or disagree with him.
Once, before I got banned from his forum, he wrote some unkind things about Southern Belle. I responded that Paulette has been a moderator for a long time and was one of the most open minded and fairest moderators on this sight. That post disappeared in record time.
I do not know why the man is allowed to continue to bully, berate and even threaten other members of Curezone. He nearly succeeded in running me off, however, he went a little too far and I got enough backbone to resolve to never let an overbearing bully dictate what I do.
Instead of being upset by being insulted, ridiculed, and having our privacy invaded by >=<, we should take such attention as a badge of honor. After all, we seem to threaten his goal of total control and power over CZ members. When we threaten his megalomania, the man attacks. Only the butt kissers get treated kindly, and frankly, I have never developed a taste for butt.