Finding the Truth (no matter what level of effort or seeming 'rudeness') is ESSENTIAL to the healing spirit.
Psyops are the 'anti-healers'.
Psyops cause confusion.
Psyops cause the focus to be taken away whatever "issue" is at this case, the very REAL fact (that when taken in sufficient quantity in the correct form),
Iodine CURES disease & ELIMINATES cancer - and could heal BILLIONS of people throughout the world, if the billions could find the truth.
Iodine cleanses the bodies (of those same billions of people), from the poisons of Fluoride, Bromide, Mercury & Aluminum...ALL of which create sickness, disease, death, and have been shown clearly to be a substantial threat to ALL of humanity. The physical diseases they cause are but a minor part. Fluoride causes apathy and all varieties of diseased/weakened mental states; Hitler knew that; he used it in the prison camps to silence the dissenters & rebels; the Soviets did the same in their prison camps. Fluoride, Bromide and Mercury & Aluminum ALL negatively impact the ability of any animal to THINK CLEARLY and live effective in health.
It is no coincidence that this fine country (and it's even finer citizens) had THE BEST education in the world, the strongest economy, and the lowest rates of various diseases and infant mortality in the world -- BEFORE the water was fluoridated and children had yearly "flouride treatments" in the schools. It is IMPOSSIBLE to break the kind of momentum, values, spirit & strength this country had, and turn it in to a country that now rates close to the last of any major society in education, has an economy based upon absolutely nothing, an inflation rate that shoots to the moon, and has a higher infant mortality and cancer rates than many third-world countries...without there being some type of mass organization & plan. This country (and it's inhabitants) have been brought to their knees in a mere 50 years - and Fluoride is one of but the reasons.
Iodine is one of the strongest antidotes we have!
Breaking the spirit and momentum of the United States of America HAD to be accomplished before there could be any chance of a one-world government.
Iodine UNDOES the sickness;
Iodine UNDOES the poisoning; iodine gives the "fight" back to the citizens of the United States (and to the world). It IS a major threat; it has been squelched for nearly 50 years.
That Iodine would be attacked on all levels (hence attacking the spirit/truth of healing --and the spirit of our country) is a fact that is plainly clear. We need to understand the purpose & tools of any enemy before we can identify the enemy.
Denying or believing in psyops does not alter the fact that psyops are real (whether they are humans or sophisticated artificial intelligence 'programs'). Psyops (in their various forms) have been known, accused, clearly identified (and effective) for YEARS.
Psyops cause dissention; they cause the focus to be taken away from the issue at hand; they create doubt; they create fear; they create a question in the mind of everybody that hears them (in this case) about the safely and effectiveness of iodine supplementation.
Sadly, we find it necessary to "accuse" before the TRUTH (and the spirit of healing) can be free to work it's healing miracles.
Jesus Christ was the Mightiest Healer and the most Ultimate Truth to EVER take the form of a human. He was full of Love AND Truth...but Love & Truth cannot be touched when surrounded with confusion, lies, doubt & fear. Jesus Christ ACCUSED the Scribes & Pharisees of many things; he ACCUSED the MOST respected leaders of society/church on the planet; he claimed to be THE Truth...His words of Truth were scoffed at, ridiculed and totally denied by many.
Rather, the accusations and identification of falsehoods allowed the Truth and the mightiest healing spirit EVER known to mankind, to be able to seen and found by the masses...for all eternity.
Claiming to actually be the Truth along with accusing the highest members of the church/society to be the 'anti-truth' (and challenging the thinking and "knowing" of the masses), cost him his earthly body during the crucifixion. His seemingly greatest defeat was the ULTIMATE Victory, as he proved the powerless-ness of all of His accusers.
Those of us that are accusing others of creating confusion, fear & dissention around the truth of iodine...can expect no less. The 'crucifixion' (by the unbelievers? those threatened by the Truth? the 'masses' in general), these accustaions don't change the Truth. In order for our healing spirits to flow freely & be effective, then we MUST identify and 'name' (or accuse) those entities that have shown themselves to work AGAINST the truth. Jesus Christ knew this and left that example for all mankind to do the same.
Many that came after Him (Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandella) followed his example, and forever changed the world for the better. They all knew...that in order to HAVE powerful healing Light, one HAS to clearly identify the darkness.
If that makes sense to you; if you believe in the methods and the effectiveness of Jesus Christ and those that followed his example, I beg you to please keep that truth in mind as you read the responses to this post (and the many posts on this forum).
Blessings of truth,
EDIT: In a nutshell, those of us who are trying to 'identify' an enemny or untruth, are not accusing out of rudeness or trying to cause the focus to be taken away from iodine or any other form of healing. All you have to do to confirm that is read a selection of posts we have made over the years. The 'healing spirit' is something that is VERY sacred to us.