I am a breastfeeding mother of a one month old, my second child, and have developed a red, swollen, tender area on one of my breast accompained by flu-like symptoms with a temp. of 100.9 degrees. My fever disappeared during the night but the other symptoms remain. I was wondering if anyone had some advice on a course of action other than hot and cold compresses, gentle massage of the area, breastfeeding as often as possible and in different positions, and drinking an overabundance of water. My "stabbing" pains have disappeared along with the fever, but during feeding the pain is quite noticable and I am afraid of this turning into a cyst. I am against using
Antibiotics and intend to tough out the pain without taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen and I am opposed to taking any meds while breastfeeding.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!