I just made my first batch of cultured veggies- Kimchee! First I went to the hardware store and bought a painter's two gallon bucket and some white shop towels. Then on to the grocery store where I bought two heads of cabbage one bunch of carrots an onion, some garlic, spinach, dandelion greens, broccoli, ginger, red dried chili peppers, celtic
Sea Salt , basil, rosemary, sage,
Celery seed & some lemons. I went to work choping and dicing! It felt it was more like an experiment out of Frankenstein. I threw the garlic, ginger and dried red peppers, basil and sage into the blender with a little water and blended that. Then I threw everythng together into my clean sterile bucket along with some fresh squeezed lemon juice, and stirred it all up by hand. I figured it is for me so what matters? I tasted it and made a note to add less peppers next time. I put a salad plate inside the bucket,on top of veggies. The plate just fit inside the bucket with a small gap, enough to release the gases, and then I placed a gallon of water on top of that to apply pressure and help release the juices to ferment the kimchee. lastly I put a clean towel over the whole thing to keep out the dust and flies. I will check on it daily to make sure the brines is covering the veggies, and if all goes well I will eat it in a week! If all does not go well, no worries for I also put in an order for the gallon kimchee from Rejuvenative.