Supplementing with
Iodine restores our bodies natural ability to create the correct amount of stomach acid it needs.
It is only natural that in the process, one senses the presence of more stomach acid; those levels WILL fluctuate until the body becomes suffiecient in
Iodine (as without enough
Iodine to work with) the body has to 'pick and choose'...not every engine part can work or be normalized until the car has enough gas, eh?
I have never had a problem with enough acid (or so I thought), even though I had all the symptoms of GERD. Stomach acid should NOT go into the espophagus (where it can be felt/discerned). Almost always when it does, you'll find the person experiencing it either has less than 2-3 bowel movements daily (OR some form of IBS)...both which indicate thick/putrefying layers of junk in the upper/lower intestines - that both give off gas (pushing gas upwards, hence pushing stomach acid upward) OR the food sits in the digestive tract for more than 8 hours, and starts rotting and giving off gas...which does the same.
The absolute baseline concern/treatment for ANY type of GERD is a total and thorough colon cleanse. If one adds iodine to the mix BEFORE achieving healthy 'transit time' of food through the colon or cleansing it from gaseous, rotting, putrefying layers of's only natural that the increase in stomach acid would be more noticeable.
When I started iodine, I had cleansed thoroughly (and that removed EVERY symptom of GERD and IBS) transit time was in the 6-8 hour range. However I was still having less than fully digested bowel movements (as in, I could clearly identify certain foods). When starting to supplement iodine, I had a few days of slight cramping with a few sharp twinges here and there in my stomach. That normalized quickly and all pain/cramping disappeared.
What reappeared? Perfectly healthy/normal bowel movements...the consistency of 'cold peanut butter', 2-3 times daily, with absolutely NO undigested food.
Bottom line (no pun intended :) If the digestive tract is NOT in working order, the baseline/FIRST consideration (before ANY type of supplement) is to cleanse the pipeline totally of any/all putrefying debris. (And I'm NOT talking one week on some cheesy "miracle"
Colon Cleanse product...I'm talking a series of deeply cleansing herbs & fiber or a series of colonics). It doesn't matter WHAT supplements you throw (minerals, iodine or otherwise) into clogged up, sluggish tubing - one will NEVER achieve a true healing (or know what is doing what) until the digestive tract is cleansed and working smoothly. GERD disappears (as well as hiatal hernia) in virtually every case I've ever heard of.
REFLUX is NOT caused by too much or too little or too strong or too weak stomach acid. It's CAUSED by the acid being pushed into the esophagus where it should be. Iodine does NOT cause GERD. It does give your stomach what it needs to produce the proper strength and amount of stomach acid required by the body.
As far as colored urine & iodine? If you're taking the 'normal' iodine supplements (Vitamin C, Selenium, Magnsesium, Salt) there's virtually no reason to see a drastic change in urine color. What everyone is seeing (unless they've drastically changed their diet or radically changed there supplements) is the release of poison/toxins. Orange/brown is proven to be bromine; many of us have seen shades of green (I think it's fluoride)...all the other metals & poisons? Who knows WHAT color, but they're bound to be intense :)