So, I've finished my Humaworm cleanse and as the die-off begins to subside I've noticed a big improvement in my fatigue levels and right eye puffiness.
I've completed loads of liver flushes and released about 4,000 of those green clumps of bile, with some success, but this parasite cleanse really seems to have gotten to the root of the problem, and made me re-evaluate my formerly held opinion that liver cleansing and colon cleansing- by creating an inhospitable environment for parasites- is enough to tackle the problem. From my experience the organ cleanses are not enough and you actually have be aggressive with these things and kill them and then hope the liver/Kidney/colon cleanse help keep them at bay, with the help of garlic, thyme, sage etc. You will waiting a long time to get rid of these things if you go for the softly-softly approach.
The overriding concern over this, however, is whether the cause of my problems is candida albicans or parasites. This humaworm cleanse could easily pass for a candida regimen so I can't be totally sure whether it was the parasites or the candida that were the culprits, however all evidence suggests parasites are most likely the perpetrators.
So, I would definately recommend Humaworm to anyone who is two minds over whether to do a parasite cleanse, or candida cleanse for that matter. It is not particularly harsh on the body and enables one to clarify the main cause of their physical ailments.