I am posting my own experience with urine/salt therapy on this allergy so it can give others another option to help with hay fever season.
I live in a rural area that has a short summer so we are just getting into planting and growing season which usually means red and terribly itchy eyes. aaaaaaahhhh.
Last summer I began using an eye/nose wash every morning and it really helped the red and itchyness, but it was later in the year so I was really curious to know how it would be in the worst of the wind, plowing, and new spring growth that blows around in the air.
In anticipation, I began doing the eye/nose wash morning and evening.
Add 1/3 C of morning urine to 1 tsp
table salt and sink full of warm water. Put your face into the water and open your eyes. Sniff up some of the water into your nose. Roll your eyes around and blow out bubbles with your nose. Take a breath when you need and keep this up for a few minutes. Rinse off your face and then blow nose until its all clear. It will sting your eyes and they will be red for about 30 minutes afterward.
I thought that by this time, we would be into the hay fever season, but I have had no red or itchy eyes. I've ridden my bike and been burning branches and cut grass so I have been out there. So my conclusion is that the eye wash is working. It's practically free and easy and such a relief from the itchy eyes.