Patients were asked to gargle more than 4 times/day with povidone-iodine gargle over extended periods of time, i.e. from several months up to over 2 years. The incidence of episodes of acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory infections decreased significantly when compared with that before use of povidone-iodine gargle. Episodes of infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA) and H. influenzae were reduced by about 50%. Results of this study suggest that povidone-iodine gargle is effective in providing a significant reduction in the incidence of acute exacerbations of chronic respiratory disease. We assume that the colonized bacteria were destroyed and thus infection could not occur.'
IODINE...the modus to offset an otherwise impaired immune system = reparation of autoimmune systems.