there is a problem here and it needs to be addressed. CS can save lives and make peoples lives better and make people more independent and in control of their own health. all it takes is education. the amount of money involved is about as much as the copay of one doctors visit, and that knowledge and material together will last a person a lifetime. A LIFETIME OF NOT GOING TO THE DOCTOR FOR INFECTIONS ANYWHERE IN THE BODY! this is about as cheap and easy as it can get. the problem is that this is being prevented by the dynamics of this forum.
i drank yellow CS for six months and wiped out a candida bloom and about six
inches of bloated girth from around my middle. that was three years ago and two summers of baking in the sun and i have not turned blue. turning blue has been pretty much dispelled here as a side effect of ionic
Colloidal Silver . this was one of the premiere stumblingblocks to people using CS. now there is a new one.
one should never take a horrendous amount of CS in the first place and i think it is stupid to take it as a supplement for life. it is not a cureall and it has its limitations and some detrimental side effects as well. it does what it does. it does it safely. there are negligible side effects taken for a short period of time.
it is extremely easy for anyone to make very effective CS using two pieces of silver, a battery and some wire. that is the real beauty of cs. but the techical talk of certain people on this forum will scare off 99% of regular folks who could actually use this stuff in an emergency and save themselves the expense of a doctor visit and the health damages of
Antibiotics . that is the real advantage to the makers and the real detriment to the medicos of CS - it empowers people to take control back from the cartel which imprisons them and robs their money. by the way certain people keep talking about making CS, they want the doctors to keep lining up the herds and taking their money and their health. while they talk down their nose to people like me who KNOW what a scam all allopaths are and who KNOW how ANYONE who wants to can avoid them, i can only assume that their purpose here is to make this seem more complicated than it is and thus prevent the very thing this forum and curezone in general is designed to do - educate instead of medicate.
i posted how to make a simple batch of cs long ago here and it works like trip sevens in the casino. - its a winner every time. the rest of the conversation since that time is just splitting hairs. we can get as serious about the
Science as we want, but to someone who wants a method they can practice and have on hand for themselves and their family, all this talk of particle size and controlled current is a big fat joke. most people dont know a diode from a commode. but they know when they are sick and they know when what they are doing is effective. this other crap scares the hell out of them. certain people here scares the hell out of them. and in this, they are acting as a troll and an agent provacateur. much of this talk is like saying we need a nuclear reactor to get warm when rubbing two sticks together will work. how helpful is that? what is that accomplishing? nothing. not one GOOD thing.
so i am here to bring this situation back around and tell everyone that ANYONE can make CS. if you can jump a car battery, you can make CS. even if you only have twenty spare dollars, you can make CS for many years to come. and the CS you can make will kill bacteria, viruses, molds and fungus. you will never need an
Antibiotic again with CS and a little bit of knowledge, all of which is available on curezone for free! you can treat severe burns like the big boys and prevent most if not all scarring. you can treat sinus infections, toe fungus, cuts and scrapes, and with the addition of a nebulizer off of ebay for about $40, you can treat lung infections, flu, pneumonia - anything viral or bacterial or fungal, including sars and bird flu and any of the other fear-inducers of the week.
that should be the real message here. not that you need a phd in electrical engineering, but that you need only to know how to read and comprehend and put what you have learned into action. you can ignore the rest of what is said here and be just fine!