I have a further question on this subject, Docta Dennis.
I'd seen that the foam was a sign of a problem also. Since starting the heavy metal detox using chlorella, and starting kelp for iodine. I'm seeing foam also. In the last 6 months, I've done a kidney cleanse, I used MHs kidney/pancreas balance which I've assumed to be a Christopher formula ... I'll get bottle and tell ya what's in it: parsley, hydrangea root, gravel root, marshmellow root, ginger root, uva ursi, black cherry bark, juniper berry, olive leaf, cilantro, cedar berry, golden rod tincture, and wild oregano. I took 1 teaspoon of this nightly for a month. Then I take a teaspoon for the 2 nights following a liver flush, each day anytime I've attempted juice fasting and a night or 2 if I feel any discomfort in my kidney area.
I drink plenty of fluids in the form of distilled water, organic juices and herbal teas.
I've been reading Professor Arnold Ehret's book The Mucusless Diet Healing System. In this book he refers several times to "foamy mucus in the urine" as a sign that one is indeed in a state of good detox. So how am I suppose to know if this is good or bad???
Your thoughts, sir?