The only way out of this conundrum is to buy organic/recycled/2nd hand clothes, eat nothing but ORGANIC (non-organic are sprayed), that includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and grain & oil.
DEGREASING WOOL, EXTRACTING OILS FROM NUTS, SEEDS, & FLOWERS. FUMIGANT USED TO TREAT SOIL, GRAIN & OTHER COMMODITIES; METHYLATING AGENT. Has been used as a refrigerant and fire extinguisher. USED FOR INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL IN SPACE AND COMMODITY FUMIGATIONS; FOR PREPLANT SOIL FUMIGATION (ONLY WITH CHLOROPICRIN) TO CONTROL NEMATODES, INSECTS, WEED SEEDS & FUNGI. Used in food sterilization for pest control in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and grain; as solvent in aniline dyes. As methylating agent, especially for prepn of antipyrine & other pharmaceuticals. The first recorded use of methyl bromide occurred in the last part of the 19th century: It was used as a medicinal agent to destroy malignant tissue and as an anesthetic in dentistry. Used as a fungicide, nematicide, herbicide (unspecified), herbicide (terrestrial), and an insecticide and miticide against nematodes and weeds (preemergence) through soil fumigation treatment for fumigation of storage areas (feed/food-full) and domestic dwellings (indoor). FOR CONTROL OF TERMITES IN STRUCTURES. Organic synthesis; extraction solvent for vegetable oils.