five nines is about as good as it gets, and that is very expensive. i use 99.9+ and have done just fine with it. four nines is all anyone concerned really needs to go with, and six nines is unheard of in my experience.
Here's the website for C.C. Silver & Gold four-niner superfine silver wire. I posted it above before I noticed your post, sorry. SOTA Instruments has a great tutorial on silver grades and explains at length the confusion over the nine grading:
you can get 5 nine thats .99999 not 99.999 there is one place in new jersey that carries it. its surepure metals, in florham park, new jersey. I purchased 1 foot of rods at one quarter inch thick. I paid 180.00 for it. good price it will last a lifetime. no impurities. in it, lead mercury etc. just pure stuff. makes cuts etc heal faster, it seems to me. i tried all purities, and 5 nine is definately the best.