We the cows, have never succesfully faught with the farmer, he has these things called guns/bullets, jails nd you just come up missing one day.
TODAY, with chem trails having 60 years of experience and germ warfar having over 80 years of experience, the farmer is not scared of non of us, now or to the end. MILLIONS have been killed by the brain washed people.
We are in a end time situation where evil must be supreme, it must be so that when the time is right not one good human is left on this planet.
Your just a student, PERIOD...................................... Your learning, your thoughts are your test score........
See evil as evil and TRUST GOD.......... this is HIS WORLD, we are HIS people; does it get any simpiliar than that?
The day we fight anything, is the day we stopped trusting God and we will pay for our actions.... The day we trust God is the day our battles were won.
Your body, your life, etc. is in an educational process, you are POWERLESS to change the class your in..... We all are! The ones that think they have power are the ones that come from the WRONG SEED and they will do crazy things, these crazy ones end up leading the nations, states, cities, towns, mayors, lawyers, cops, the bully in every class, etc., etc.
The web sites out there wanting people to sign petitions of any kind against a government office, etc., etc. are the very web sites you had better FLEE!!! Most are traps set by big brother seeking the names of those who need to be tought a lesson...............the fbi has hundres, if not thousands of employees reading the web sites world wide daily taking names/addresses compling files on each non-desirable person. Even those that use herbs that travel accross borders are recorded, they know that you like herbs over their boss's drugs; this makes you an enemy of the state. The UN / WHO seeks to remove the water wells, put us all on city water and remove the fresh foods and have us all on their foods. It is though the old Charolet Heston Movie soylent green is slowly coming true! I can bet 80% of the humans in the USA have alreay eaten cat and dog in their commercial foods and I suspect most people that believe in drugs have already consumed cells from dead humans.