I was diagnosed with shingles last year, a little less than a year ago
(early May). I went to the doctor after a weekend of feeling unlike myself,
with a fever and pain in my hip, odd lesions (they hadn't formed into
welts yet) and very tired. I started to feel ill following a liver flush,
of all things. I went right into a juice fast after the
LF. I was in progressively more
and more pain all that week. By that Friday, I went to the doctor. I was
having a yard sale that weekend, the first one I had had in
several decades, and it took a whole lot of work on my part and my
husband's; I was not about to call it all off. At that appointment, he
did not examine me, even though I told him I had hip pain and had these
strange lesions on my hip; he told me to keep an eye on it. Thus he missed
the diagnosis. If he had diagnosed it then I could have started with the anti-viral
medication right away, within the 72-hr. window where it works and you
don't develop all-out shingles (acyclovir, it's called). I was not so
lucky. Tues. I went back to the doctor, and they wanted me to get a CT-scan.
A few days later, my husband, who I nicknamed "Dr. Phil," told me he
thought I had shingles. By then I was really suffering and the lestions
became welts and I was in terrible pain. I refused to have the CT-scan
(I was hours away from the appointment) and demanded to see the doctor
once again. This time I saw a different doctor, as my usual one was not
there. This one pronounced it to be shingles and prescribed the acyclovir.
by that time, of course, it was too late, and though I took them as
prescribed, I suffered from the full onslaught of the illness. I was sick
with it for 5 weeks. I had to stay home from work a few days, or go home
at noon, the pain was so intense. I could not, of course, take painkillers
that were strong enough for the pain and also drive and work. Do yourself
a favor: go to the doctor and do not try to treat it with herbal
remedies. Herbs work too slowly for the level of pain you get with shingles.
And avoid contact with tea tree oil: anything like that will have you
screaming in pain. Don't give into the prednisone; stand your ground. I
was in enough pain that I, who abhor medication of almost any kind, was
happy to take painkillers so I could sleep. I took Darvocet on days when
I felt I could work for a few hrs. and vicodyn when I had to stay home
as I was in too much pain. Finally, I called a doctor (really a chiropractor)
who had helped me before with my chronic fatigue (really hypothyroid
condition), and he gave me a peptide which he said he had gotten from an
M.D. he has worked with doing research, specific to inflammation and one
specific to herpes. When I was OK to drive I visited him and he gave me
a treatment with the magnetic device (a coil) he uses on his patients,
and I felt much better. But it took a full 5 weeks before I was back to
100%. With all this, I had a supervisor who gave me a hard time for
being ill, making me get written notes from boh the doctor and from
the chiropractor. This is someone who was ill every 2 weeks (stayed home
from work). This was my first time to be sick in an entire year.
I hope you do not have to go through what I did; and there are people
who get it a lot worse than I had it, too (like, in their eyes). I wish you
a lot of luck and healing, soon!