MH 108
For some reason my left ear had a heart beat in it, I must have slept wrong or any number of things, but I knew my skull plates and spine were in need of help.
I paid my chiropractor a visit and he spent about 30 minutes working on my head, my ear, my neck and spine and it was probably one the best treatments I have had in 30 years.
Trevor age 2 still climbs and jumps off of everything and we noticed his foot was turned out, so he also was on he table and put back into place and total we were in the office for maybe 45 minutes or more.
The cost: $30 total every day normal price..
"IF" I had went to a MD, we both would have been cat scanned, poked and probed for weeks or months and consumed great quanities of drugs and the result being years from now, CANCER.
I am so glad, I dropped medical 31 years ago and see my chiropractor for all heath issues, he covered them all, 100%, no specialist ever needed.